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Today I want to talk about the power of learning.

Yes, we get overwhelmed with advice all the time.

Yes, we get lots of opportunities to learn.

But, are you really investing the time to learn on a regular basis?

Once you stop learning, you also stop progressing.

This is particularly true in small business.

You must invest in learning.

Learning takes many forms, but unless you take it seriously and have a schedule for learning then you aren’t learning as much as you potentially could.

Here are my top tips!

1. Pick an amount of time that you will invest in learning.

For me, it is a minimum of thirty minutes per day. I may spend thirty minutes learning or researching a new APP that may help my business.

Or I may read business articles for thirty minutes, or I may catch up with a mentor or business person I respect and share ideas. If you allocate learning time into your schedule by putting it in your diary, it can only improve your business.

2. Write a list of things you want to learn.

Schedule time and money for them. This could be as simple as wanting to learn all about content marketing. Then you find a book on the topic. This thirty dollar book would be a great investment of money and time to learn content marketing. Business books are a massive resource to learn cost effectively and I am always surprised at the lack of business people that actually make time to read them!

3. Write a list of conferences or e-events that you would like to attend.

Look outside of your location. It’s scary turning up to a conference solo, but it is also liberating. The investment of time and money is also scary- but I have always found, that what I learn and implement in my business is seriously worth the investment.

4. Get some learning buddies.

I have a couple of friends and we are always sharing the latest and greatest things we are learning about – books, apps, courses, etc.

5. Have a learning notebook (digital or print).

I have a great little notebook dedicated to learning. It ensures that I am learning things all the time and taking note of them too.


As you can see, I am really passionate about investing in learning. Every book, magazine, TV program, and encounter is an opportunity to learn.

Always look for the opportunity to learn, and you will be surprised at how often people are willing to teach.

Author Bree James

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