M2F Banners_WebsiteDesignBrief


Contact Name


(if applicable)
(e.g. Authentic, Sustainable, Empower, Quirky)
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Max. file size: 10 MB.
    (if applicable)
    Don't have a professional logo? Are you interested in seeing our logo packages?
    (please provide any other information which may help our design team)


    Please provide a detailed sitemap include top level pages and sub pages
    Include a list of the services you provide. Write a sentence or 2 about each service. Include some detail about what the service is, who you do it for, and why you do it better than others. Perhaps mention brands that you utilise to deliver this service. Fill in as many as you like. If you need more services to be included, let us know via email. Include a list of the products you sell. Include as little or as much detailed info about each product. Some products need a lot of explaining, some need very little. You may include brands that you sell. Note that if you are going to mention brands and you want to show their logo, you are responsible for sourcing the logo and getting permission to use the third party logo's. Fill in as many as you like. We will also supply a separate section next where you can just detail the brands you like to sell on their own. This is helpful if you want to list your products separately to the brands.
    Please list the url's for any other affiliated facebook, instagram or other related to this business.
    Frequently Asked Questions are valuable to the customer and the business. This of this as someone answering question about your business for you, without the customer having to call or email. The more FAQ's you can include the more the customer can self help. *Tip, these need to be short and to the point. Write the Question they have and then the answer below it. Every business has at least 5 FAQ's. Ask your front line staff what customer repeatedly ask them over and over again.
    Testimonials and reviews are hugely important and can make you stand out from your competitors. Ask your valued customers to write a short 1 paragraph review about you for your website. People read and believe online testimonials, and it may be the point you need to get your customer over the line.
    Feel free to be as specific as you like about the elements you like about these other websites (i.e this could be colours, the way blogs appear, layout, headings, etc.)
    Do you require appointment software integrated with your website?
    Do you have professional photos/video for the website?
    NB: some of these features below are not included in the website packages. Example: external integrations will take additional time. Photography is charged in addition, etc.


    What design services do you require?
    What marketing services do you require?